Pye Unicam
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
The complete story of the development and marketing of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry at Pye Unicam to download.
The complete story of the development and marketing of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry at Pye Unicam to download.
PYE UNICAM AAS - 040315.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB

With thanks and acknowledgements to Mike Wassall (Pye Unicam).
An old film describing Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, the SP90 product and its application. Approximately 1965.
Landmark Atomic Absorption Spectrometers
Landmark Atomic Absorption Spectrometers
To view many examples of AAS product brochures and advertising, please select this link
To view many examples of AAS product brochures and advertising, please select this link
1962 - SP900
1962 - SP900
The Pye Unicam SP(Special Projects)900 was the company's first attempt at designing and manufacturing a flame emission spectrophotometer.
The Pye Unicam SP(Special Projects)900 was the company's first attempt at designing and manufacturing a flame emission spectrophotometer.
By converting this instrument to the SP900A, and using a hollow cathode lamp as light source, an atomic absorption spectrophotometer was born, improving detection capability and selectivity.
By converting this instrument to the SP900A, and using a hollow cathode lamp as light source, an atomic absorption spectrophotometer was born, improving detection capability and selectivity.
The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) technique was invented by Sir Alan Walsh in the late 1950s. It was to grow into Pye Unicam's largest revenue stream.
The Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) technique was invented by Sir Alan Walsh in the late 1950s. It was to grow into Pye Unicam's largest revenue stream.
1964 - SP90
1964 - SP90
Launched in 1964, the SP90 was the first dedicated AAS instrument from Pye Unicam.
Launched in 1964, the SP90 was the first dedicated AAS instrument from Pye Unicam.
Designed by a team led by Len Morris, it now had a triple lamp turret and gas control including the later addition of nitrous oxide based flames for higher temperatures.
Designed by a team led by Len Morris, it now had a triple lamp turret and gas control including the later addition of nitrous oxide based flames for higher temperatures.
An automatic sample changer, and full absorbance readout completed the package. Contained in a purpose designed, state of the art casework, it proved a highly successful product.
An automatic sample changer, and full absorbance readout completed the package. Contained in a purpose designed, state of the art casework, it proved a highly successful product.
1972 - SP1900
1972 - SP1900
The first truly double beam AA spectrophotometer with a diffraction grating monochromator and six lamp turret.
The first truly double beam AA spectrophotometer with a diffraction grating monochromator and six lamp turret.
Designed by a team led by Ron Newstead the instrument supplied full gas control, a newly designed spray chamber and burner system, and digital display.
Designed by a team led by Ron Newstead the instrument supplied full gas control, a newly designed spray chamber and burner system, and digital display.
Accessories would include a results printer, large autosampler and, later, even a deuterium background correction system, designed by Charles Perkins.
Accessories would include a results printer, large autosampler and, later, even a deuterium background correction system, designed by Charles Perkins.
1979 - SP9
1979 - SP9
Arguably the largest project yet undertaken by Pye Unicam, the SP9 System was launched to much fanfare in 1979.
Arguably the largest project yet undertaken by Pye Unicam, the SP9 System was launched to much fanfare in 1979.
The design team, led by Ron Newstead, started with a complete clean sheet of paper and the resultant optical design would continue through many future generations.
The design team, led by Ron Newstead, started with a complete clean sheet of paper and the resultant optical design would continue through many future generations.
The multiple systems provided everything - microprocessor data centres, graphite furnaces, autosamplers and too many configurations to count!
The multiple systems provided everything - microprocessor data centres, graphite furnaces, autosamplers and too many configurations to count!
It was the first AA to be marketed under the Philips/Pye Unicam brand.
It was the first AA to be marketed under the Philips/Pye Unicam brand.
1982 - PU9000
1982 - PU9000
Certainly one of the most innovative products ever produced by Pye Unicam it was launched in 1982. The PU9000 took complete advantage of the new microprocessor era to provide automation of the highest capability.
Certainly one of the most innovative products ever produced by Pye Unicam it was launched in 1982. The PU9000 took complete advantage of the new microprocessor era to provide automation of the highest capability.
The autosampler tray was “posted” inside the instrument, the element information called up automatically, the flame automatically optimised, the results all calculated and graphically displayed on a new data station.
The autosampler tray was “posted” inside the instrument, the element information called up automatically, the flame automatically optimised, the results all calculated and graphically displayed on a new data station.
A sensational product with a development team led by Trevor Stockdale and Pete Morley.
A sensational product with a development team led by Trevor Stockdale and Pete Morley.
1992 - SOLAAR 939
1992 - SOLAAR 939
In the early 1990s a new product branding for Unicam AAS was developed. The SOLAAR brand continues to this day and was originally launched with a whole new series of products including the 919, 929, 939, 959, 939QZ.
In the early 1990s a new product branding for Unicam AAS was developed. The SOLAAR brand continues to this day and was originally launched with a whole new series of products including the 919, 929, 939, 959, 939QZ.
Huge innovation led to Zeeman furnace modules and full Microsoft Windows based software.
Huge innovation led to Zeeman furnace modules and full Microsoft Windows based software.
In-atomiser video display, complete “black-box” automation and sample preparation with analysis validation completed the package. The first plastic moulded covers greatly improved the product appeal.
In-atomiser video display, complete “black-box” automation and sample preparation with analysis validation completed the package. The first plastic moulded covers greatly improved the product appeal.
1999 - M Series
1999 - M Series
The M Series was a breakthrough in AAS design, incorporating both flame and furnace atomiser, either of which could be selected by redefining the optical system function. This brought total automation to even the level of sensitivity of measurement.
The M Series was a breakthrough in AAS design, incorporating both flame and furnace atomiser, either of which could be selected by redefining the optical system function. This brought total automation to even the level of sensitivity of measurement.
With choice of background correction techniques, local or Windows software, a host of new accessories and our first injection moulded casework - a revolution.
With choice of background correction techniques, local or Windows software, a host of new accessories and our first injection moulded casework - a revolution.
The project was led by Mike Wassall. Design was mainly Charles Perkins, Andy Stepien and many others.
The project was led by Mike Wassall. Design was mainly Charles Perkins, Andy Stepien and many others.
2001 - S Series
2001 - S Series
It was considered a logical step from the M Series – to cut the instrument in half to produce the smallest footprint AAS in the world.
It was considered a logical step from the M Series – to cut the instrument in half to produce the smallest footprint AAS in the world.
In fact the whole instrument and optical system had to be re-designed in the end!
In fact the whole instrument and optical system had to be re-designed in the end!
It was, and still is, the smallest, fully functional AAS in the world.
It was, and still is, the smallest, fully functional AAS in the world.
The instrument brochure folded out to provide a Periodic Table wallchart that included the full-scale footprint of the instrument in order to amaze.
The instrument brochure folded out to provide a Periodic Table wallchart that included the full-scale footprint of the instrument in order to amaze.