Pye Product Locator
Pye Product Locator
To find the best website page for a particular Pye product, click on the link below, or use the site search facility.
This site does not attempt to document all the vast range of Pye products that existed. Rather it indicates what can rightly be considered the "Landmark" products of any type.
1922 Unit System
1923 520/530/540/550
1924 720/730/740/210/220/830
1926 222
1927 555/Model 25
1928 275
1930 TwinTriple
1931 Models Q & MM
1933 Model P
1937 Baby Q
1945 Model 15A
1952 PE60
1953 PE80 Cambridge International
1955 FenMan 1 & 2
1956 P114BQ & 131MBQ
1957 Pam 710
1966 Model 1108
1936 4201/4200
1937 4046/817
1939 915
1946 B16T/D16T
1948 B18T/D18T
1950 Blackscreen
1953 V4
1955 VT14
1956 CS17
1958 PV110
1960 TV Remote Control
1964 Dual Standard 3/11/12/13/14
1967 Colour CT70/CT71
1953 Pye Records
1954 Pye Black Box
1954 HF25 Provost Amplifier
1954 HF25A Proctor Control Unit
1956 Record Maker
1958 Pye Mozart
1964 Pye Achoic Record Player
1964 Transistorised Pye Black Box
1913 LG Hawkins (LGH) company set up
1922 LGH product range established
1928 Range extended to tea/coffee maker, toasters, irons, lamps
1930s Washing machines, kettles, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers
1939 Pye acquires LGH
1940s Heaters, boilers, pressure cookers, Hostess Trolley
1954 Pye Polly tea and coffee maker
1962 Range moves to new factory in Hastings
1962 Ekco's range also moves to Hastings
1962 SP900
1964 SP90
1972 SP1900
1979 SP9
1982 PU9000
1992 SOLAAR 9x9 Series
1999 M Series
2001 S Series
1940s SP500
1952 SP600
1965 SP8000
1972 SP1800
1976 SP8-100
1978 SP6
1988 UV500
1993 Helios Gamma
2002 Evolution
1950s SP100
1960s SP200
1970S SP1050/1100/1200
1979 SP3
1980S SP2000/4000
1980S PU9510
1992 FTIR 1000/3000/5000/7000
1958 GC12000
1964 GC104
1976 GC204
1976 GCD
1976 GCV
1984 PU4550
1985 PU4900
1988 PU4400
LC3 UV Detector
PU4010 LC Pump
4026 Refractive Index Detector
4100M Modular LC
6100 Solvent Optimisation System
4120 Diode Array LC Detector
4225 UV Detector
Model 79 pH Meter
292 Mk2 pH Meter
9526 Conductivity Meter
9420 pH Meter
9450 Series pH Meters
AC30 Automated Chemistry System
1946 PTC 102/103
1948 PTC 110 Dolphin
1949 PTC 108
1949 PTC 114
1950 PTC 112
1951 PTC 116 Reporter
1955 PTC 2000/8000 Ranger
1960 PTC 2000/8000 Ranger Remote Mount
1960 Vanguard AM/FM25
1963 Cambridge AM/FM10
1963 Reporter AM5D
1967 Westminster W15AM/FM
1969 VHF/UHF Repeater
1969 Whitehall W20AM/FM Radiotelephone
1971 Europa MF5/MF25FM
1971 PMR2FM
1971 M201/202/212 Olympic
1972 MF5AM Motafone
1973 M203AM Olympic
1975 MDU 1000
1976 MF6AM Reporter
1976 M252 Pegasus
1978 M206 VHF FM 50W
1979 M294 VHF FM
1982 MX 294 VHF FM
1983 FM900
1989 FM 1000
1989 PRM 80 VHF FM
1989 PR50 UK TACS
1990 AP4000 UK TACS
2000 SRM 2000 VHF Digital TETRA
1951 PTC 122 Walkiephone
1953 TRP-X1 Walkiephone
1955 PTC 1003 Transhailer
1963 AM10P
1964 PF1 Pocketfone
1965 PF1C Compact
1965 HP1AM/FM Bantam
1967 W15AM/FM Westminster
1967 Chief Executive
1971 PF2AM/FM Pocketfone 70
1974 PF5 Pocketfone
1975 PF6 Pocketfone
1975 PF9R/PF9T Pocketfone
1977 PF8 Pocketfone
1978 P5000
1991 PRP70 VHF & UHF FM
1996 Tetra
1997 SRP8000
2000 SRP2000 & SRH 3000 Tetra
1944 Wireless Set No10
1946 PTC 104/105 & 703/704
1956 PTC 810/820/830
1963 Pye Pioneer
1967 MC1500
1972 L300
1977 L700
1955 GPO 6GHz Link
1956 M1000A
1960 M1000
1963 M710
1964 M710 Transportable
1968 M711
1971 M717/718
1973 M1117
1975 GPO 20MHz
1946 PTC400/401
1950 PTC406/408 & 255/407
1952 PTC408/411 & 407/255
1954 PTC455 & 456
1956 PTC411 & 457
1958 PTC411X & 457/8
1960 PTC431
1963 PTC957 & 958
1963 PTC RTC
1963 Early 5 Station Controller
1969 Desk Top Controller
1969 Multichannel Control Unit
1969 Later 5 Station Controller
1970 PC1/2/3/5
1972 Mascot 50
1975 Mascot 70
1977 Mascot 200
1979 Mascot M1000
1980 M80 Series
1946 PTC104/105/106
1946 PTC300
1949 PTC703/704
1957 PTC723/724
1958 PTC753/754/755/756
1960 PTC3600
1960 PTC2702/8701/8710
1963 F27AM/F60FM
1963 F300AM
1967 T30FM & T17FM
1967 T30AM/R6AM/R7AM
1970 T55AM
1970 SSB1000T-R131SSB
1971 T10AM/R8GA
1971 F9AM/F9U/F25FM
1973 F252 Pegasus
1973 F400 Series
1977 A80U
1978 A100
1980 F490 Series
1983 F4000 Series
1989 F5000 Series
1990 PRF10 Series
1947 Humber Shooting Brake
1948 MCR3
1950 MCR6
1952 MCR12
1963-65 MCR19-22
1974 Colour System OB
1947-48 25 W Band I Transmitter
1949 Boat Race Transmitter
1950 Band III Air to Ground
1953 500 Watt Band III Transmitter
1954 500W Vision, 100W Sound
1955 5kW Band III Transmitters
1956 Parallel 5kW Transmitters
1958 1kW UHF Transmitter
1969 10kW UHF Transmitter
1969 25kW UHF Transmitter
1976 12.5kW Band III Transmitter
1978 55kW UHF Transmitter
1980 Solid State 500Watt Band II Transmitter
1980s Sceptre Solid State Television Transmitter
1948 MKI Photicon Camera
1949 Image Orthicon Camera Tube
1951 MKII Photicon Camera
1952 MKIII I.O. Camera
1954 High Definition Television
1954 Staticon Camera
1954/9 MKIV I.O. Camera
1959 MKV Camera
1960 Cambridge Station TV System
1965/7 MKVII Camera
1965/7 Range 70 Sync Pulse Generator
1968 LDK3 Colour Camera
1974 LDK5 Colour Camera
1986 Mexico World Cup System
1952 MKI Small TV Camera
1954 MKII Small TV Camera
1954 MKIII Small TV Camera
1954 Nuclear Surveillance System
1959 MKIV Small TV Camera
1950s System for Rocket Engines
1950s Underwater Camera
1956 Astronomical System
1960s Aerial Surveillance System